what? its a WRAP man~
My perasaan right now happy,excited,LEGA terasa RINGAN no pain,no stress. and i feel bsyukur kpd Allah, sbb ahernya exam sem ane dah slsai, krasahan lamanya, ane nda plg lg, no papers left, yahuuuuu~~~ for me, what is still important for us to do are keep on bdoa and hajat wheneva ur free. the end of exam didnt mean the end of doa&hajat right? keep it dat way. becoz only dat we gain ketenangan. i got 2 days ja lagi ne before menerabangkan diriku. im looking forward for dat. still not preparing anything kan dbwa blyr ane. it wont take much tym. i'll do a quick packing esuk2 pun buleh. i leave Cairo maybe for 12-13days if nda missed counting. i dun even sure, f ada yg mseh trtnya2 where am i going actually, and ada yg tau x jua kan dalam diam, i dunno. its not a big matter for me here. evryone's always wants to know about evryones. so, why i care something that is sudah menjadi ADAT or TRADISI. sooner or later~

at kuliah tadi, i met two fwens yg dtg dr jordan, sizah & salwanah, ehe. act met pdols, babo, red and ramai urg brunei plg jua lg. haha. what i wanna highlight here is, bru th ku bjumpa ma kwn2 yg dtg dri jordan, nda smua, tp ada lah kan, baik jua udh tu, nampak jua durg dh kan aku, nda smua tjumpa aku, cukupth ada yg menjadi WAKIL. To my batch, sorry k im not joining u guys mendgni kwn2 tni yg dtg dr Jordan tu. BIG SORRY. mungkin some of u feel something kh tu arh ku. who knows? i donno. so kemana sj th kamu membwa durg bjaur? ehe. makan2 jalan2. yea, wishing u all enjoy la k cuti 1st sem ne. happy rehlah duuuuudeeeee!!! same goes to mine toooooooooo~ selamat merindui aku lapas ane sapa2 yg sudi atu. me gonna miss y'all =)

no worries. i'll be BACK soon!!!

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Suddenly it comes up on my mind,
about JENIS-JENIS 'urang yg ku nda brapa ingin and inda suka'........

i dislike:

1) orang yang merasakan dirinya tu saja yang lurus, inda kesah lah ah apa2 sj, tidak mengira tempat & waktu, ia tah ganya yang lurus, who's perfect????

2) orang yang suka 'memijak kepala orang lain', ani pantang saya ne bnr2, wat f tni pijak balik?? bru ya tau cana kan rasanya

3) orang yang nada rasa 'full respect' to others, ane namanya kurang ajaran.

4) orang yang ber'intention kan memalukan diri tani in front of public/a group of people'

5) orang yang 'di dapan baik, di blakang trima kasih sj'.

6) orang yang ' suka mencari keburukan tani' sedangkan dirinya sendiri pun banyak keburukan

7) orang yang 'beibon tapi menyakitkan hati ibonan nya atu', what's so funny then??

8) orang yang memandang menggunakan dua biji matanya tetapi pandangannya atu membarikan mencungkil dua biji matanya atu, cant u see me with the better way?

9) orang yang 'berwajah seperti talam'.

10) orang yang bercakap tanpa mengunakan akal, main lapas ganya, balum lg ku cakapi balik.

ane baru some ne, mun kan d list lagi banyak banar. tp ane yg MAJOR nya ne. yang i ALWAYS bump with!!!

ada peribahasa mengatakan : '' sapa makan lada, dialah yang merasakan kepedasannya''

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i just dunno know
what happen to me lately


sickness datang
but i try to fight it

now i got this ayung2 thing

like this head wanted to blow

actually the next subject

not hard subject
tp sbbkn byk
it jadi payah ca

i know

i shouldnt say payah
but it totally payah
lebih2 lagi f u r sick
kan kan?


i also sleepalots
bad habit for me
mcm bru setopic dua d afal
then kan tdur ca!
sleepaholic ta bnr..
that bnr2 th teruk

as what we always do
tawakal is the word
i know i still have time today
and i wont make it useless

because i'm a fighter!!!!

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currently hating myself right now
STU**D + SH**
totally frustrating!!

what the hell
wasting the precious time
you sucks Syer!!

u r the BENGONGest person
in this entire world
hate YOU
at this moment.

Puas at ku.

My semangat yg jitu............
awh please come back
i need u~

p/s: if this sounded so harsh, take dunno je~ =S

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salam alaik

hmmmm *thinking*
what to do next ah
so early i bangun ane

my tummy so so lapar
after this
ill check the kitchen
if foods still available
or not

less than 10days ja lg
im gonna leave Egypt.............
for a while
no no no
still not packing
this and this
that and that that
momantai lah tu
a day pun cukup kan packing

the day the exam's papers done
aku akan gumbira
gumbira segumbiranya
senyum selebarnyaaaaaa

what else aaaa
the future &
yet to become brother in law
will arrive here
tomorrow morning

nothing much about me
so if there's much more about me
will update to u lg

note: after i eat my food, then i'll start to do my unfinished work
which is
membaca, memahami & menghafal

for the last 2papers
aku akan peduli seadil2nya

my point just satu
''lau tani puas at dgn usaha tni,
tni akan jadi senang at.......''

bah beredar saya dulu
tummy mengamuk sudah
menyanyi lagu cromok

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to those yang nda tau
AJL 23 just finished
so it ended with the results:

Best Performance
Faizal Tahir - Sampai Syurga

Best Vocal

Faizal Tahir

Best Pop Ethnic

Farawahida - Persoalan Cinta

Best Ballad
Faizal Tahir - Sampai Syurga

Best Pop Rock

MeetUncleHussien - Lagu Untukmu





lagu untukmu

accept it, no heart feeling k........ =)

''the best deserve to win''

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on the half way

yes pejam celik just 3 papers left.
i know it still byk.
dbandingkn mereka2 yg tgl 2 papers or maybe 1 paper.
huhu. well congrates. =)

kaka thanx for cooking setiap hari
kami bangun sj kdapur atu ada udh mknn
tinggal ngaut saja lagi
teruskan~ ehehe..
nada yg senyaman mskn kta
f di sini
lau dbrunei ka
tau2 lah sapa lg hebat

"masakan seorg ibu itu, itulah yang tersedap di dunia"

huhu =p

(manakan jua bulat usulku tym exam ane mkn nda pnah tgl)

i love to eat
ya Allah..
nikmat nikmat..

menu for today
nasi putih,
ayam goreng,

ikan masak kunyit besantan
sayur campur

i tell u..... its nyumnyum!! =)

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back to 1992, i started going to school [smiling :) ] im not crying x ah mcm sesetgh urg.. its lyk a normal symptom bh tu, they r not biasa dgn new environment. so i just liat2 lah sj drg yg menangs atu. im happy x a tym atu. evrythings baru, nyaman bh bjln kskulah atu dgn evrything yg new. ksut bru, baju bru, stukin bru, all are in perfect package!! i still remember my 1st class teacher her name Cigu Aminah, wearing spec. we all got the same lesson, counting 1 to 10 and a to z. good girl x ah aku in school, i ranked #1. proud eh..haha.

sekulah randah was fun, becoz i was just kanak2 tym atu. suka bemain~~~~~~dunia ane siuk ne tym atu. theres a moment when i was in class 2, ada la this guy, nda g ngat his name, but still remember ckit2 his face, he went to other school. yth mlepas sya. my eyes on him x ah. but bcoz i know i was just kanak2, sadar kan diri mseh. class 2, me n cousin fiizah mj, shes sblhn class sma aku. yatah ada lubang wah between d dinding atu. and we sitted d cring2 atu, kami main subuk2 tpt lubang atu.. lol! kami ckp2 thru dat not-so-big hole! but then she went to serasa school i think. we are closed actually but as we grow and grow, we cant be kanak2 lagi.

the things that i always do tym skulah randah, main gatah with the girls, main bubut2, main carah, main simban. see i play alots and study alots too. when i was in class 3, this is true story. not kan mburukkn but just kn ambil pngjrn sj. theres my teacher, tym atu posa bah. u know what ia buat?? ia bwa makanaaaaaan. im serius. kali ia tnya la sapa nda posa. x ada la my frens yg nda posa atu, me excluded. dpn kami wah durg makan. seriusly for me thats not good. sengaja kn melemahkn urg yg posa. huhu. rajin posa x ah lau nda kana marah. ada sekali atu la, at school i eat cucur udang, i dont remember who gave that, back home, my mom tau, trus ku kana ambat haha menangs darah eh. that was becos she cared. the not-so-talented of me is in bab blari, i always be the muncit one. i dont care as long as i still can run. skulah randah jua, i did fight with a guy. he kinda mengatil waaaaa kacau2 urg, nda sdr diri bnr. i still remember his name, heeeeee. not to mention here. smpai bebawa arh cigu taib bh kami ah. bgus bgus.( laughing.. bcoz how childish we are). dlu2 nya tabuan team handal x a. yth my teacher gave me poster brunei team, eh bangga tym atu, laki2nya nda dpt, aku wah yg dpt poster atu. =)

back to 1994, i went to skulah ugama. after skulah randah, i went to rumah nini. kami tgl sana dlu skeluarga as kmi blum dpt ppindahan tym atu. b4 skulah ugama tu, aku did laundrying baju skulah randah and bju2 my brothers jua. i know rajin x ah aku tym atu. i believe tym atu aku nda ngusut pun. huhu. then ironing. then bru th going to skulah ugama. i went there jalan kaki x ah. let me say mybe it takes 10minit x la to arrive. so i jalan kaki mula2 tu alone. then i went to my bestfriend's house. then we jalan sama2 going to skulah ugama. so sweet lah tym atu. lucky la ada kenangan cmani. so jln2 d sg bsr tu btamu2, kmi jln buknny arh cring jalan rya, but thru house to house, kinda ada jambatan yg namu2kan. so like a shortcut, tambus menambus, til masjid and skulah ugama.

what i remember, tym skulah ugama atu, ada urg bekelai, bini2 nya trend bekelai tarik2 rambut. booooo nda malu. kdg2 atu kami main arh tiang aah. do u know tiang basi x tu. yg ada 3 left to right side. so we can change our place with our partner till the player cant take it. ada la skali tu, im the mangsa kana bubut, bcoz i got this sifat shy. yth smua bubut aku. haha. not gonna tell whats d reason.

tym skulah ugama atu jua, i was crying. not bcoz im sad. bcoz ada guy ane ia nyaiyaaaaaaaa aku smpai main2 nama bapa. nangs lah ku. smpai my dad agai tu laki2 atu. puas ati ku. bukan kn ambung, tp evryone knows my dad d kg sg besar atu. so mandai2 kn menyaiya anak hj asan. nah kana eh. yatah i think my dad mseh ingat tu laki2 atu, aku pun ingat smpai krg ane. hahahaha. so evrytym abis skulah atu, me and my bestfren balik sma2, dlu2 atu ada tu urg bjual, minuman pki plastik aah. it cost 20cent. ada icecream ais. tym kanak2 i dont know apa erti ngaleh atu. sbb nda pndai kan ngaleh kanak2 ane bmain.

blik rumah nini, bmain lagi ku ma jiran nini. hee. main kaki tiga. kali mandi sungai ca f air nda surut. bila air surut, kami mncri katam waaaaah. haha. yes should i say im kampong girl? yth brngx kulit ku jd cmani ane psl suka bmain suka bpanas suka mandi d sungai. active panya aku ne dlu. ugama atu i was balik jln kaki bcoz my dad ambil my sis x tu sbb skulah arb and my mom ngajar d maktab. huhu. but jalan kaki was siuk actually. to my bestfriend u know who u r, i miss us tym skulah dlu2 atu. till i went to skulah arab, then life is change. thnx for the memory.
and for me these are the bestest memory.

aha, enough blablablabing~ here.

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bufday girl..........
its your 21st bufday!!!
sengajaku wish kedikau dsini
gmbr mu ah biar urg tau kau suka
makan berger :p

hee hee hee hee
gagagaga ( <-<-<-aha u hate this)

could there be a surprise party for u? :p
so what do u wish for this year?
nda kan nada wishlist~
bsides that 21 roses..
cROS udh satu, then 20 roses lg tu aaa
hahaha mudahan cros nda mbca ne =)

rai a.k.a beng

i know how mature u r
and how coolest u r
u know we are netball partner here
yes we are a team
and we are friendly friend :)

i wish and pray for ur success, ur health, ur happiness
and for all good things amiin..
if we live in the bless of Allah, we are survive

once again..
happy bufday to u rai~

16th jan
is your day

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Talking about yesterday
watching GG~
would like u to know dat


'''i like Mr Chuck Bass to the max.......''
his eyes especially and his way
tpikat saya melihatnya

me as for now
i look mengantuk
hampir kelihatan seperti PANDA

and everyday i need foods
like im craving it oftenly

the exam alhamdulillah
going well and just okay
im looking forward for the nexts paper
2 down
4 to go!!

always put in my mind
'bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian'
parent's hope

Allah will show a light
and always remembering HIM

syer's off to bed now~

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xm ku pun bermula

hari ani

11 januari

sukortah banyak soalannya td
i did try my very very best sudah menjawab paper atu
now im just hoping and keep on praying

mudahan paper2 seterusnya ane

inda plg ku mnta sanang berabis
mudahan sj sadang sj pyhnya atu



maggi ku dah masak
lapar kuuuuuuuuu~
and mengantuk........

oh tauhid is next........
i like tauhid~

tp mcm takhrij jua sbuku atu muqarrar..
no no no
nda mau mention sal takhrij lagi..

we must move on syerrrrrrrr!!!

bh smpai cni dlu...


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Dear Readers..... :)

yey, im going to off my lappy just for today due to my 1st paper
which is exactly by tomorrow morning..

so i guess.. i should focusing on it rather than sitting in front of my lappy....
wasting time but enjoyable.. :p

yes..... i'll do my update after the 1st paper is done!

wish me luck.... i wish u luck too....


till the next update..... tata!

p/s: love u ONLY if u love me too..

heart Glitter Pics


'Oh God'


sembuhkan selesma ku
hilangkan sakit kepala ku
kuatkan semangat ku
lancarkan hafalan ku


i don't like this cold wheather
it made me sick :'(

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salam everyone~

i read this emel telling that some company yg under Israel x..
antaranya MCDonald, Starbucks, and Coca-cola..
my favourites ne..alahai.... huhu..

maybe its tym to replace them with some others

-> KFC, Burger King, Hardee's and etc
-> Coffee Bean, Cilantro and etc
-> Pepsi, water and etc

should i say good bye now????

ada my ustaz ne, ia bgto bnr company2 tu under israel..

tp he said, egypt ne mnta izin sj dr durg,
tp sgala mcd apa atu
urg arab yg buat.....
persoalannya saja
the income kemana tujunya?

im just hoping
sgala duit2 yg telah ku sumbangkan arh tpt2 tsebut datas
mudah2an tah tujunya arh pkrja2 nya kah..
amin..mudahan sj..



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Kadoura's wet tissue

Kadoura's pengurik gigi

Kadoura's Tissue

the story for the day

i slept at 10am td morning
ntah i just tak tau apa sebab musababnya and kul 1pm i was awake uleh ka liyana tdgr ku drg ckp allowance out today kaka was nipun2 urg2 rabaah yg under jpi then bgun and i was still mengantuk actually but mau nda mau tpksa jua bwa mandi awl atu as aku belum pcopy 'what i supposes to pcopy' 2pm+ joining the girls sama2 ke embassy kali ambil my allowance god.....allowance's dropping as US exchange naik but the Egyptian Pound turun sigh........... *sasak tp bsyukur plg jua* lalalala mcm aing bh ah ada pasang surutnya andang jua usin ne ibarat aing hahaha next our bungsu Gmin belanja mamam di Kadoura as esuk tghri ia balik BRUNEI siuk aaaaa having no classes for this sem as all the classes been used for the exams siuk siuk guyang kaki tp nda apa we can kirim2 brg to/from him THANX BUNGSU~ My dad 9th Jan ne going to LONDON for 3months Alhamdulillah siuk eh bnyk x dh ke london jd org london udah bapaku atu daddy jangan lupa ole2 mcm biasa seperti selalunya ;) mudahan murah rezki sihat walafiat pa back again aftr Kadoura's eating session tu me and kaka went to CityStars ia kan balikan tunangnya present utk 7th year anniversary dorang and we belikan coklat for our family to kaka and bro norli mudahan sampai ke jinjang pelamin and hingga akhir hayat usulnya green light udah tu ka from bapa and babu :p lps atu ngntr those stuff pat bungsu then going back home
yeah that's it..... thanx for reading =) tata.. mwahss!!!


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'the book'
mabahith fi 'ilmil takhrij

yg ku pgg2 yg ku renung2

yg ku bca2 yg ku hapal2

kullu maudu' muqarrar
hal dukturah saAkhrajat kullu maudu'?

ana mush ahfaz kullu lakin saAqra kullu douuul

bi iznillah

''Allahumma yassirni wala tuassirni....''

hoping dpt mnjwb dgn baik tym exam nnt..in all papers..

chayo chayo chayo.....fightie fightie!!!!

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miss alai mujiib alots.... makin gemux x ya udh msane....he he..
nda apa..janji happpppppppppppppy.... =)
to family members d Brunei: palukkan ku cmujiib aaaah...

the eyes, the eyebrows, the moles and the nose.. :)
i used to take pictures mcm ne dlu2..
now not anymore..
this is not the only one..banyaksssssssss..
this one best of the best..

& this one....
my latest shoe that i bought..
the shoe shows where i bought it..
i like..............!!! nyehehe

my 1st spec ever...broken into two.....
but i still kept it.....sebab sayang........ ;)

my face expressions..


yg acompanying me tym a2..
d Hardee's CC..

when stress attacks..

lahirlah.......wajah2 ini.. :p

enough for now.....

that's what i present for you today....

till tomorrow come.....

love ya'll......

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yipppppppiy.....my ticket..gotchaaa!!!

suddenly its all goneeeeeeee~ =)

to Rai,Ros,Red,Babo, Pdols, Hasan, Faiz...............
this time there will be no ME besides you all for sem1 vacation..........
Bukan apa......i just currently thinking this year winter nya freaaaaaaksss..
haha thats one of the reason.. secondly my heart inda terbuka utk ke sinai
or where else la d cairo ne..
Kisskan saja untukku sinai atu and sampaikan salamku jua ah..
( tupun lau kamu kana lapas ke sinai)
keep on bedoa saja mudahan perang di Palestin tu berakhir secepat mungkin..

bah away me dlu..going to restoran melayu to isi
this perut yang sedang mengamuk kelaparan..

P/s: jangantah ingaukan psl rehlah saja.....exam menantimu~

big thanks to both bapa and babu for giving me da permission..... MWAHSS!!

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